They’re Here! ‘Platty Moon’ Nectarines Finally Reach the U.S.

Platty Moon nectarine up close

Get up close and familiar with the ‘Platty Moon’ flat nectarine.
Photo courtesy of Brandt’s Fruit Trees

After years of trialing and testing in its Yakima Valley, WA, evaluation blocks, Brandt’s Fruit Trees is now offering the ‘Platty Moon’ flat nectarine cultivar to growers in the U.S.

The yellow-fleshed, flat nectarine was developed by INRAE in France and released as part of a series to growers in the European Union in 2009. The brand owner has licensed Brandt’s Fruit Trees for exclusive propagation rights in the U.S.

A limited number of trees are available for spring 2023 planting, according to Kevin Brandt, Vice President of Brandt’s Fruit Trees. He sees strong commercial potential for the product.

“‘Platty Moon’ is consumer friendly because it can be eaten in a ‘donut’-type manner, which allows for full enjoyment without all of the mess,” he says.

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The selection develops an attractive, deep-red blush on 80% to 90% of the fruit surface and achieves up to 15 Brix at peak maturity. Although flat in shape, ‘Platty Moon’ has a large amount of flesh.

“Unlike older flat peach/nectarine selections, it develops very little open calyx, or eyes, which allows for a high percentage of No. 1 grade fruits,” Brandt says.

‘Platty Moon’ ripens in mid-August within Washington state — an opportune time for soft fruits, as the harvest occurs just before Labor Day weekend, allowing for the fruit to be included at family barbeques and gatherings.

Brandt’s Fruit Trees is a family-owned fruit tree distributor in Washington state specializing in apples, pears, and stone fruits.