Working To Protect Spinach Against New Strain of Downy Mildew
The International Working Group on Peronospora in Spinach (IWGP) recently announced the identification of a new race (Pe:20) of the downy mildew pathogen (Peronospora effusa) affecting spinach. According to IWGP, the determination was based on a comprehensive review of isolates collected from growers’ fields and experimental markets worldwide.
The emergence of Pe:20 threatens the global spinach industry, making the development of resistance against this strain of fungus a priority. After running quality assurance tests, vegetable seed breeder Enza Zaden has concluded its current spinach portfolio has proven resistance to the Pe:20 strain. “As a member of the IWGP, we identify new isolates using the standard host differential set,” the company states.
Disease Specs
Peronospora effusa (PE) – downy spinach mildew, caused by the obligate oomycete pathogen, leads to notable economic losses due to the disease’s impact. The prevention of mildew in crops and the development of new strains can be accomplished by using resistant varieties and proper hygiene techniques, such as removing debris and diseased plants.
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