Right This Way! See Agricultural Robots on the March Here

Crowd gathers for Naio Technologies' demo at FIRA 2023

Large crowds turned out in Salinas, CA, last year for FIRA to see agricultural robotics demonstrations such as this from Naio Technologies. This year, FIRA will be held Oct. 22-24 in Woodland, CA.  Photo by David Eddy

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If, like many fruit growers, you feel labor pains from time to time, you might want to head to Northern California in late October for the third annual FIRA USA.

Agricultural robotics is still in its infant stage, but it’s amazing to see the progress being made. Or perhaps U.S. growers just haven’t seen so much because they are behind the times when it comes to labor shortages, at least compared to their European counterparts. The first World FIRA (which, stands for, in French: “International Forum for Agricultural Robotics”) has been held in France since 2016.

The U.S. event is also organized by the Global Organization for Agricultural Robotics (GOFAR), a French nonprofit dedicated to promoting and developing agricultural robotics. More than 2,500 people are expected to descend on the Yolo County Fairgrounds in Woodland, CA, Oct. 22-24. The event is free for growers.

FIRA’s first day is “Tech and Education Day,” and will focus on innovative advances in ag robotics and related technologies between the industry, researchers, and students.

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Wednesday and Thursday mornings feature roundtable discussions among growers and robotics developers. Wednesday’s roundtable is “Reducing spray drift and improving spray coverage in the almond/tree nuts industry.” Thursday’s discussion topic is “Addressing automation needs in the tree fruits industry.”

Bluewhite Robotics tractor at FIRA USA 2023

Bluewhite is among the better-known robots which will be demonstrated.
Photo by David Eddy


The exhibition area will include more than 80 ag robotics industry exhibitors from around the world. Robot manufacturers, technology suppliers, non-profits, universities – all will be showcasing their autonomous solutions and services. Exhibitors have been known to announce new products at FIRA.

CLICK HERE To Check Out What Was Seen and Heard at FIRA USA 2023

The robot demonstration zones will include 35-plus robots used in specialty crops. Attendees can see robots at every stage from prototype to production model. Each afternoon there will be different demonstrations in each of the three zones: autonomous solutions for tree fruits, vineyards, and vegetable crops. Attendees will have a great chance to meet manufacturers, ask questions, and as the organizers say: “Watch the future of ag unfold in front of you.”