IoT Network Solution Breaks New Ground for Agriculture

Emergent Connext, a leader in transformative wireless technologies for rural America, has announced another market launch of its innovative Internet-of-Things (IoT) network solution in Northwest Ohio, with the City of Defiance as its first customer.


In partnership with MetaLINK Technologies, headquartered in Defiance, Emergent is addressing the connectivity gap in rural communities and agricultural fields. This low-cost, long-range network will enable smart IoT sensors and devices for smart cities and  ag tech to connect to the internet in real time. The network will enhance capabilities for rural municipalities, reducing operating expenses, and improving profitability while conserving natural resources, according to Mike Roudi, CEO of Emergent Connext.

Defiance will be the first of many “Emergent Smart Communities,” setting a precedent in leveraging IoT technologies to manage smart lighting, building occupancy, propane tank fill levels, and remote leak detection, thus improving operational efficiencies and environmental impact.

“By automating essential functions, Emergent’s IoT network enhances the efficiency and sustainability of rural infrastructure, reduces costs, and improves residents’ quality of life,” Roudi says. “Partnering with MetaLINK to launch our IoT network in Defiance marks a pivotal moment for rural communities to transform how they interact with their citizens. This initiative sets the stage for Defiance to become a catalyst in Ohio, encouraging other rural communities to deploy IoT devices for economic development, safety, education, healthcare, and resource management.”

MetaLINK, a leading provider of broadband and communication services in Northwest Ohio, is excited to collaborate with Emergent.
“This partnership allows us to leverage our infrastructure and expertise to support the City of Defiance and the surrounding farming community, not to mention agribusinesses as a whole, enabling rural communities and farmers to harness the power of real-time data and technology to flourish,” says Phil Maag, CEO of MetaLINK.

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Emergent’s IoT network aims to connect millions of affordable IoT devices, such as those monitoring propane tanks and water meters, reducing waste and local tax burdens. This technology has been successfully implemented in commercial-scale farming, with a recent deployment at Terranova Ranch in California’s Central Valley.

When fully implemented, Emergent’s IoT network will cover 2.4 million square miles of rural geography, including 1.5 million square miles of agricultural land, revolutionizing rural communities and agriculture through data-driven decision-making.

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