What Will Winter 2024-2025 Look Like? Farmers’ Almanac Places Its Bets

I always find it ironic to talk winter during the teeth of summer. But maybe publishers of the Farmers’ Almanac think we all could use a break from the heat when they release their extended winter outlook every August. This year is no exception. So, what does winter 2024-2025 have in store for us? The forecast theme from Farmers’ Almanac is “Wet Winter Whirlwind.”

The publication’s winter 2024-2025 forecast is calling for “a season of rapid-fire storms that will bring both rain and snow, with little downtime in between.” Presence of La Niña is playing a big factor in the forecast. The climate phase is expected to be dominant during the upcoming winter. The transition to La Niña this summer is a major component in current predictions for an extremely active Atlantic hurricane season. This same climatological pattern is contributing to the Farmers’ Almanac forecast for a cold and wet winter campaign.

Farmers' Almanac winter 2024-2025 forecast map

The official winter 2024-2025 forecast map from Farmers’ Almanac.


Cold Spots

The Farmers’ Almanac forecast indicates coldest temperatures will be found from the Northern Plains to the Great Lakes region. In addition, areas east of the Rocky Mountains into the Appalachians also will trend colder. “The coldest outbreak of the season will come during the final week of January into the beginning of February, when frigid Arctic air brings a sharp plunge in temperatures almost nationwide, but especially across the Northern Plains,” reads a portion of the report. “As this very cold air blows across the Great Lakes, heavy snow showers and snow squalls will bring intense bursts of snow to the east of the Lakes.”

A Little More on the Mild Side

Above-average temperatures are expected from Texas, the Southern Plains, and Southeast. Predictions are for the Southwest U.S. to see “average winter temps.” The Pacific Northwest, on the other hand, could be “unseasonably chilly.”

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Precipitation Patterns

Farmers’ Almanac is forecasting above-average precipitation over the eastern third of the country. The sweet spots being the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and Midwest. The Southwest and South Central states are tracking average to below-average precipitation.

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, its proprietary forecasting model was developed using correlations between celestial events and various meteorological conditions. It has roots that date back to its beginning in 1818.

Visit FarmersAlmanac.com for more details about its extended forecast for winter 2024-2025.

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