JH Biotech Celebrates Anniversary, Starts Nonprofit Focused on Prevention Agriculture

Marking its 37th anniversary, JH Biotech announced the launch of the International Prevention Agriculture Institute (IPAI). The nonprofit organization aims to raise global awareness of land degradation, advocate for sustainable agricultural development, and ensure long-term food security by fostering a healthier ecosystem.


According to the United Nations, 24 billion tons of fertile soil are lost annually due to unsustainable agricultural practices. Through the IPAI, JH Biotech aims to educate farmers, growers, and the entire agricultural community about innovative prevention strategies and sustainable agricultural solutions.

“Prevention is the key to agricultural sustainability,” John Hsu, President and Founder of JH Biotech and the IPAI, says. “We are committed to prevention agriculture to ensure clean and safe food without compromising the environment.”

“Prevention before correction” is the cornerstone of the IPAI philosophy. Through extensive research, field trials, and partnerships with universities and other companies, the IPAI delivers best practices, including programs for Integrated Crop Management, Integrated Pest Management, and Integrated Health Management.

The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that, by 2050, food production must increase by 70% to meet the demands of a growing global population. While we need more food, it cannot come at the expense of the environment. IPAI’s initiatives are crucial to achieving this goal sustainably.

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“The sustainability and resilience of agriculture are paramount,” Hsu says. “We are proud to announce our new nonprofit organization dedicated to prevention agriculture. These programs play a key role in achieving sustainable agriculture, which is a critical issue. We are committed to making real-world changes.”