Pests, Diseases in Organic Growing the topic of Washington State University Fruit School
Washington State University (WSU) Extension and Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides present a two-day school on the ecology, biology, and tools for successful organic orchard pest and disease management.
The fruit school will include in-depth presentations from science experts, panel discussions with industry leaders, hands-on activities, problem-solving case studies, and an opportunity to network with your peers.
Topics include:
- Key natural enemies: life histories and pests controlled, conserving beneficials through habitat modification
- Augmenting natural enemies
- Effective IPM toolbox
- Apple codling moth and leafroller
- Woolly apple aphid
- Spotted wing drosophila and cherry fruit fly
- Pear psylla and mites
- Managing postharvest diseases of apple and pear in the field
- Fire blight biology and cultural controls
- In-season fire blight management programs
- Apple and cherry powdery mildew programs
- Little cherry disease, Western X, and more
Pre-registration is required. Seating is limited. The registration fee is $150 which includes lunch, materials, intensive lecture, demonstration, discussion, and reference information.