Top 10 Issues Facing Fresh Fruit Growers in California

The California Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA) has announced the results of its Top Issues Survey for 2022, and water and labor were the two topics that practically took over the list. CFFA members were surveyed to rank the top issues for the association’s staff to focus its efforts — such as lobbying in Washington, DC, and the state capital of Sacramento.

“As we saw in 2021, the California fresh fruit industry continues to be impacted by water supply availability, increasing costs of production, and the pressure of operating in a state with a heavy regulatory environment,” CFFA President Ian LeMay says. “Industry members remain committed to producing healthy and high-quality fresh produce for consumers both within the United States and globally. But make no mistake, these pressures are real and are having significant impacts on the functionality of the businesses we represent.”

Scroll through the photo gallery above for the 10 areas of most importance identified by CFFA members, including growers, shippers, and marketers of fresh grapes, blueberries, and tree fruit. They represent approximately 85% of the volume of fresh grapes and 95% of volume of deciduous tree fruit shipped from California.