Valuable Lessons To Be Learned From Retired Fruit Growers

Retired fruit growers frequently respond to our annual State of the Industry survey, the results of which comprise this issue. This year, upon dedicating a section of the survey to this demographic, we heard from nearly three dozen retirees.


While their thoughts are more simple than extraordinary, they are valuable reminders to current growers to sit back and make the most of the moment. Times may be tough — and there is never any getting around the long hours, bad weather, and regulations — but there is plenty to relish, the retired fruit growers say, including:

  • “The challenge of producing a quality crop” and “watching each year’s crop coming to ripeness.”
  • “Being in the field” and “being outside in nice weather.”
  • “Spending time tending the crops” and “seeing the results of your hard work.”
  • The “camaraderie” and “connections with visitors, guests, and friends.”
  • “Working with the employees” and “dealing with the customers.”
  • “Producing something that is good for people.”
  • “Using local school kids to harvest the crop.”
  • As for advice, retired growers have plenty to offer:
  • “Enjoy what you do” and “be flexible and adaptable.”
  • “Listen to your extension advice” and “read and learn from the researchers.”
  • “Keep current on new varieties” and “select disease-resistant species to limit pesticides needed.”
  • “Stay involved with your neighbors” and “stay active as long as possible.”
  • “Take it one day at a time and have a long-range plan.”
  • “Stay strong” and “love what you do.”

Is there any advice you would add to this list? Leave thoughts in the comment section below.