Don’t Become A Time Crunch Casualty

In a sense, the classic Rolling Stones tune “Time Is On My Side” is a perfect anthem for the younger generation. Strategically delivered at a deliberate tempo, the chorus belts out with bravado someone who’s confident in the amount of years they have to right past wrongs and accomplish future goals.

While that attitude still might fit among much of today’s youth, let’s keep in mind the song is more than 50 years old now. Much has changed in the world of communication. Not to mention, expectations also have increased as technological and mechanical ability has bred a sense of real-time problem-solving. No more waiting.

So age might be on your side, but time definitely is not. The ability to carve out free time in today’s fast-paced world takes talent and commitment. According to Derek Farnsworth, UF/IFAS Food & Resource Economics researcher, there are ways GenNext Growers can find a balance between work and play.

Derek Farnsworth, UF/IFAS Food & Resource Economics researcher

Derek Farnsworth

“A good method for balancing work and personal time is to estimate the value of your time,” he says. “Ask yourself: ‘How much money could I make working right now?’ How much do I value my leisure time?’ Often people find themselves making poor trade-offs until they take an analytical perspective.”

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Workplace Demands

As farming professionals, timing is essential. The difference between a good season and bad season could hinge on one missed opportunity. In this regard, one positive aspect about agriculture is that it’s cyclical. You know when the more hectic times normally occur and when there might be lulls in the action. Planning around those times can help alleviate any added stress on the job.

“It is important to eliminate distractions and provide yourself with incentives,” Farnsworth says. “Remove anything preventing you from working and set goals and rewards for your work.”

And while we all marvel at today’s modern technology and possess at least one mobile device, it’s this same technology that keeps us all tethered to work, no matter where we are. Looking at it from another angle, smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets could lend a helpful hand in prioritizing tasks, which will allow for a more stress-free time away from work. Farnsworth points out new tech savvy tools that might help with time management challenges.

“There are variety of apps and other software programs that are specifically designed to help manage your time,” he says.  “It may be useful to download a program with a calendar and plan out a schedule.”

 All Work And No Play …

No matter how dedicated we are to our jobs and/or how important our positions are, there always is a risk of getting burned out. Being stressed out at work can and will lead to poor job performance. According to WebMD, sure signs of job stress include: headaches, trouble sleeping, problems concentrating, short temper, upset stomach, job dissatisfaction, and low morale. Raise your hand if any of these have started to creep into your daily routine.

In addition, constant stress can negatively impact your overall health, too. Long-term well-being often is compromised with such issues as back problems, depression, heart disease, and high blood pressure, WebMD insists.

Finding the correct balance between work life and home life can certainly present quite the challenge. Making it a priority, though, can literally save your life. Or, at the very least, improve the quality of it.

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No matter what your occupation is, staying on top of work and not getting buried in it will pay in all facets of life.

“Perhaps the best way to stay on track is to set a schedule and stick to it,” Farnsworth concludes. “Reward yourself for hard work, and re-evaluate your options and priorities when you’re behind.”

Track Your Time With These  Apps

Wherever you go and whatever you do, your smartphone usually follows. Check out a few free time management apps available.

Timesheet – TimeTracker (iOS, Android – Free)

Record your work by simply pushing a button. Easy interface allows users to add breaks, expenses, and notes. Manage projects and export data to Microsoft Excel. “I use it to keep track of how much time I’m spending on various projects so I can make accurate assessments about their cost and value,” says Kim Erickson, Erickson Farm.

Hours Tracker (iOS – Free)

Clock in and clock out as you’re out in the field or working on a specific project. This app keeps track of your hours worked along with a pay schedule that you can set up.

My Life Organized (iOS, Android – Free)

This customizable application features flexible task management software for completing your to-do lists. Users are able to manage not only tasks, but projects, habits, and even life goals. Optional contexts, stars, dates, priorities, plus custom filters and views are included.